Wednesday, September 2, 2009

A little bit of shameless self-promotion.

This is an exciting week for me. I have new stories up in issue 35 of Storyglossia and on Necessary Fiction. Both are journals I really admire and am really honored to be included in.

Also, over at the Pank blog today, I am one of three guest writers for a post about motherhood and writing. Thanks to Roxane for allowing me to ramble over there.

That's all for now.


  1. Angi, you got to me first. I had intended to contact you yesterday, but the day ran away with me.

    First, congratulations on your excellent essay over at PANK.

    Second, "Ghosts and Monsters." Wow, wow, and wow. That's very articulate or eloquent, but that's what repeated over and over in my head as I read. I loved the voice here, the premise, the characters, the fast pace, the rising sense of menace, the pain, the tension, the language. Everything. Just everything. Searing. Take a bow!!!

    Third, congratulations on "What It Means To Disappear." I also LOVED this.

    How great is this: "After the first time we kissed, I started giving her things that I secretly wanted to keep. Old toys from the back of my closet that I had saved forever. Autographed baseball cards. Trophies I had won. Part of me was afraid that if I ran out of things she could zap away, she would stop coming back. But mostly, I wanted that feeling, the sharp pang in my chest at the split second when something I used to love disappeared before my eyes."

    I look forward to reading more of your work. Brava!!!

  2. Ethel, thank you so much! I really, really appreciate the kind words.
